Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Paradise Papers.

So somebody had the gall to hack into Appleby's files and now keen young journalists are all over Bermuda like flies with expense accounts. Very annoying. Appleby's have been good to me over the years not to mention the affect something like that has on Caribbean economies. I'm sure Bono will sort it out. He won't want people snooping through his dirty laundry but in the meantime a lot of people have had to make a few adjustments to their financial accounts.

Not to worry. I arrived in Speightstown alright and found a nice berth for 'Millie' in Port St. Charles. She deserves a rub down and a rest bless her heart. I'm going to rent a mini moke and drive around a bit. I'll do the usual pilgrimage out to the Mountgay distillery then I may drop in on Sir Julian see how he's doing.

Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about Simon and Arthur in Northern Thailand. All in good time.