Saturday, October 18, 2014

Mountgay reflections.

We just got through a couple of hurricanes. I expect a lot of you were worried. Fay surprised everyone but we were ready for Gonzalo. I got 'Milly' out of the water in Santo Domingo and we moved into a hotel. Course there was no power but they had a generator for the bar so we were OK. They even had some Mountgay. Not that there's much wrong with the local stuff but when you have a choice go for it.

It made a nice break and gave me a chance to catch up on my email. Usual bunch of complaints from the author and the editor. What do they expect under these conditions? OK so I get my files muddled. Happens to everybody. And a note on the style. There won’t be any smashing through any literary frontiers. I’m not Chuck bloody Pahlinuk or however you spell it. And there will be no naked readings at literary conventions. Not even for purely promotional purposes. I’ve actually been to Hay on Wye so I know what it’s like. No thanks.

'Milly' survived. Just a few scratches thanks to the clumsy buggers in the marina. I did mention it to the harbor-master who said he was very sorry Senor. No point in making a fuss.

Gonzalo moved on to Bermuda. Which is ironic when you think about it. The Bermudian economy is based on re-insurance so they'll be well covered.

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