Tuesday, April 05, 2016

A night in Antigua.

Poor old Oscar. Our recent experiences have left him apoplectic. There isn’t much I can do except let him rant. It’s annoying and it does nothing to advance the narrative. He’s determined to go after them but they have a head-start. They could be in Antigua by now. It gives me an excuse to get away. I leave Oscar screaming about transgender toilets (he hasn’t seen the Panama Papers yet) and hop on a plane to St. John’s.
I’ve been to Antigua a few times, usually by boat. I decide to stay at the Yacht Club and I’m no sooner settled into my room than bugger me first thing I see when I look out the window is Lambert strolling down a jetty! The dreadlocks and the 4 girls are a dead giveaway. Hopefully he doesn’t spot me. But I’ll have to be careful.  Should I text Oscar? Better wait a bit. No doubt Blackjack’s boat is out there and that nasty Nigel person too. Last thing I need is more insults from him and I certainly don’t want to discuss Tracey Emin.
What was it he said while I was still tied up?
“You know nothing about art Headley. Has it occurred to you,” he droned, “that Tracey’s work could be a powerful statement about human sexuality?”

Stupid question to ask somebody who’s bound and gagged. Very unfair too. Making me listen to a load of crap without being able to respond. Not that Nigel gave a toss. Blokes like Nigel tend to have double standards when it comes to censorship. Then, as if he suddenly senses the inequities of the situation, he decides to take my gag off.

Which is convenient in a way because I have a nice little monologue all ready to go.

“OK,” I say, “perhaps I am missing the point. I have nothing against Tracey Emin personally. She reminds me a lot of my first wife if you must know. Tell the truth what I’ve always liked about Tracey’s work is her economy. By that I mean the way she uses one bucket where other conceptual artists might use two. But times change you know Nigel, and so do people. Look at you with your dreadlocks….bit of cultural expropriation there wouldn’t you say?

“Now maybe Tracey’s decided it’s time she reached out to the mainstream? With her drawing skills who could blame her? Could it be she feels so well integrated into public life these days she’s decided to get in line for an OBE? Like so many other public figures do these days? 

I’m trying to be reasonable but it’s a waste of time with blokes like Nigel. He can’t see his own contradictions.    
What’s the real story there I wonder? Is Tracey in it for the money? She may not be Picasso but have I been unfair to her? Should I revise my opinion?
Such were the thoughts going through my head as I sat on the balcony of my room in the Antigua Yacht Club.
I wonder what she’s up to these days? Is she still in touch with the Zeitgeist? Obviously I have to go to London to find out.

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